PPC Advertisement

Google Adwords - PPC Advertisement Services

Google Adwords is the system Google has developed to assist you in marketing your products or services in the Google Search Engine, and its affiliate sites, via the use of a placed text ad that appears when people search for phrases related to your offering, this appears as a “sponsored link”.

The system is a “pay per click” system, this means you can dictate where your ad appears through bidding for a series of phrases, but you only pay the amount you have bid for if someone clicks on your ad as a result of a web search, i.e. pay per click!

Masi a Perfect Google Adwords Expert ?

Masi pay per click advertising experts give you all the advice and support you need to generate high quality leads from your PPC advertising campaigns. We have built strong relationships with all the major search engines that offer PPC advertising, including Google® and Yahoo!®.

We’ll work with you to select keywords that your target customers are likely to use in an online search and, therefore, offer you value for your PPC advertising investment. After writing and placing your ads on the search engines, you will receive regular reports that analyze the success of your PPC advertising and suggest adjustments to keep your pay per click advertising campaign on track.

With Masi PPC advertising, you can choose from different investment levels based on your budget and your pay per click marketing goals. All PPC advertising packages are designed to drive traffic to your website quickly — bringing you customers who want to buy what you sell.
A few steps that we undertake to ensure Google AdWords Account Set-Up
We’ll work with you to determine the optimal structure for your business goals. You may need multiple campaigns to take advantage of the various networks, location targeting and device options. We recommend separating out your various areas of focus into different campaigns so you have more control over budgeting.

Ad Groups
Most advertisers don’t realize the importance of proper ad group structure and how it can impact performance. We’ll develop highly targeted groupings that will set you up for success.

It’s vital to choose specific keywords that won’t break your budget. We’ll ensure that you’re running on terms that convert and that you remain competitive on the more general, high traffic keywords.

Ad Text
How do you attract customers yet weed out curiosity clicks? We’ll find the right balance of traffic and leads for you. We recommend split testing multiple ad variations to find ad copy that’s most effective for your business.

Display Advertising
Depending on your type of business and advertising goals, We may recommend setting-up keyword targeted, placement-driven, or topic specific display campaigns. Display is a great source of traffic for many advertisers, can be highly targeted if set-up correctly, and could be an excellent complement to your search campaigns.

AdWords Remarketing
Reach users who previously visited your AdWords ads as they continue to browse sites on Google’s display network. Increase brand awareness and strengthen relationship with your visitors.

According to recent data, 30% of India of mobile owners are accessing their internet browsers on their phones and mobile is one of fastest growing media channels. Advertisers need to take advantage of the various mobile options that Google AdWords provides and ensure their PPC campaigns are optimized for it. India is one of the leading mobile markets worldwide. The nation has 919.2 million mobile subscribers as of March 2012 (TRAI, May 2012), which is 75% of the population. 65% of mobile subscribers are urban dwellers.

Conversion Tracking and Analytics
As a Google AdWords optimizer, we make decisions based on data, and we’ll set-up AdWords Conversion Tracking and Google Analytics to track your campaigns and improve them armed with data.